Dissatisfaction ... ruins all  by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Dissatisfaction ... ruins all  by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article






Truth be told ... very rarely i see someone... happy.

I mean ... really happy.

And the funny thing is that people are not unhappy ... as we might think.

Noo ...

They are just ... dissatisfied.

... not even realising it.

In fact ... it is all a dissatisfaction ... in continuous form ... of everyone ... and everything.

But ... not really knowing anything about how us ... the humans ... are functioning ... it all becomes ... a huge confusion.

... believing we are ... unhappy.

And ... damn it ... the confusion itself is ruining our lives.

For some ... even for years in the row.

Unfortunately ... the blindness ... we all suffer of ... is actually not allowing us to understand or at least ... little feel .... anything at all.

So ... life continues ... but ...

Yes ... we are dissatisfied ... believing we are ... unhappy.

Later on ... some discover that dissatisfaction is sort of a disability of synchronising with reality.


... or a refuse ... cause we don't like it.

We have certain expectations ... as everything to happen exactly according to a silly scenario from our minds ... believing that everyone needs to be the actors we want them to be ... playing some illusory roles which we don't even tell them about.

But ... still ... we talk in our minds with the Infinite Intelligence and ... we feel offended that the present moment is not the way we had asked.

So ... so ... so many times.

One day ... meditating ... we can only come to the conclusion that all ... dissatisfies us.

We live lives ... into a non ending dissatisfaction.

All looking ... like an very ugly life.

The time is passing ... and there is no change.

We become more and more ... annoyed ... angry ... strongly believing we have an unhappy life.

But damn it .... dissatisfaction is not ... unhappiness.

No ...

It never was ... and it will never be.

Dissatisfaction can indeed induce the illusion of unhappiness ... but is in fact just a psychological signal that we don't really like the actual path of our lives.

Indeed ... a negative emotion ... having in fact ... a possible positive impact on us.

Today ... I strongly believe that feeling all sorts of negative emotions ... represents a ways in how we can actually realise ... it is the time for change.

Fortunately ... dissatisfaction ruins all.



I say... fortunately ... cause that is maybe the only way in how the Universe can force us ... change our lives.

But ... no matter what is happening ... we never clearly understand... reality and the way in how the Infinite Intelligence is speaking with us.

We ... are incapable of understanding our emotions.

Somehow .... is much, much easier to believe that ... we are imprisoned in ugly realities and the unhappiness itself is the best word ... to define all.

Cause ... we are just ... idiots ... not really understanding the psychological terms.

... making confusions ... in continuous form.








Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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